
Why is this allowed? would it p**s you off to find out....?

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my best friend is pregnant. she didnt graduate highschool and doesnt have her GED, we are 20 and she dropped out at 18, during her junior year. she has been living with her boyfriend since right after she dropped out. hes a good kid, just graduated from northeastern.

but she never has a job, she cant keep one, because she hates working and tries to do as little as possible. so they have very little money and he works crazy hours, because he is trying to support the both of them.

when she found out she was knocked up she quit her job. and now she has healthcare for free, for being unemployed. her healthcare is better than mine and mine is pretty expensive.

was i wrong to flip out on her that her laziness is wasting my tax dollars?




  1. Nope, you weren't wrong. But at the same time she does need to be taking care of that child she had instead of dumping the poor thing at daycare. I agree  with you though, I'm sick of good for nothing lazy people who live off of OUR money.

  2. No. I agree with you. It is not fair that she is making her boyfriend work all those hours while she sits on her lazy *** and does nothing.

    It sounds to me she is real selfish,and wants everything given to her without doing anything for it.

    What if her boyfriend decides to leave her one day? Or what if he loses his job? How will she support the baby?

    She needs to wake up and realize that it is not about her anymore. She has a baby to take care of. She needs to get up off her ***,go back to school,get a degree and get a job.

  3. I think what would p**s me off more is if I was your friend and found out you were totally dogging me behind my back. If that's how you really feel then talk to your friend...better yet, why are you friends with her if you feel this way?  

  4. It doesn't sound like she's your best friend since you have hidden emotion toward her. If her behavior really bothers you than stop going out with her because she just going to aggravate you more.  worry about your lifestyle not some one else's. On top of that sooner or later she will get into gear and realize that she needs to work full time and hold the job because her needs will be greater and like you said she's only 20. I expect that from 20 years old (lol). It would really bother me if such person was 25 and older with no responsibility or not doing anything to improve their life. doing nothing and just having children while others are hard at work struggling to get day by day and with no health coverage  and struggling to pay the rent. That's me.  See if you can encourage her to go back to school seek a trade or go to college rather than to be scorning her about tax dollar.

  5. There is much research to suggest how important it is for her to have regular prenatal health care. So while it is a bummer for you to have to pay for your expensive insurance, be happy that your friend is taking care of her baby. Make sure she goes to all her appointments and gets enrolled in WIC so she can get good, nutritious food to eat while pregnant. Also, encourage her to breastfeed (and not to smoke and drink, of course) her baby. Be a good friend and support her, don't let yourself get bitter over what feels like laziness and unmotivated slackerliness on her part!  

  6. No you werent wrong. Welcome to America and being a adult. Be proud of yourself. Hold your head high, you are doing the right thing.

  7. You weren't wrong for flipping out on her. She IS wasting tax dollars because she thinks she can just sit around and do nothing and get away with it. She has a good boyfriend and a kid if shes not gonna grow up to take care of her **** then let her be a bum she'll end up losing out in the end her boyfriend will get sick of it and she'll learn.

  8. I hate women that just lay up in bed all day lazy when a man is doing the job, at the same time I hate it when a man just sits on the couch all day while his wife is doing a job.

    The problem is, this country rewards laziness and illegals with money for free. Honestly, I hope something hits your friend and she finds out that she cannot be lazy and actually has to do something to get a job and something to help herself. You should just tell her one more time and say something like

    "This is it, I hope you change, I am done discussing this with you"

  9. not much you can do about it.  people like that p**s me off too. if you are perfectly healthy to work, just work.  

    boston isn't a cheap place to live

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