
Why is this cat's tongue always hanging out?

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A starving, homeless, extremely skinny kitten followed my friends to my house, so I fed it a whole bunch and made a little box house for it outside xD Anywayy I was wondering why it's tongue is always hanging out? What should I do? Thank you. :)




  1. Give him water, he is probably thirsty. If he still does it after he gets enough water, get him to the vet because he may be sick!

  2. Take it to an MSPCA or shelter as this could be a sign that the kitten is really sick and in a lot of pain.  Please try to get this cat the help it needs.

  3. Ok, if you can't afford the vet (if you do great take it) if you can't take it to your local animal shelter and they will check him/her for you. They will hopefully do this free of charge and you can give a small donation if you wish. If she or he is free of health problems you will be able to take it back home again and continue caring for it. They may give it basic treatments such as de-worming and de-fleaing also, they may also recommend that you get it de-sexed. If there are some medical issues they will hopefuly be able to deal with this. If it is something that is simple to treat then that's fine, but if it is expensive or needs ongoing help (such as diabetes etc) then you might feel that you would rather rehome it to someone who can afford this unless you can yourself.

    I'm glad you took him in and the world needs more caring people like you in it!

    Also tongue sticking outage could be a neuralogical issue, teeth issue (tooth decay, painful mouth), just a random characteristic.

    Also if you go to the vet/shelter and rule out or treat any diseases or parasite problems then you may be allowed to bring him inside.

  4. ive had cats since i was about 1 years old and im 24 now and i think your cat needs help as soon as possible ASAP,no joking around if your not willing to pay for the cat (no offence intended there as its not yours and homeless and your so GOOD for taking him in, not many would  its very heart warming knowing there is kindess to animals still out there)so then i think you should take it to your nearest shelter,if the cat is in obvious distress or in pain get it seen to now,or if he/she is eating then its no panic for one more day but if its not please please please get it seen to! the cat cant say whats wrong only the vet can, try worming him and maybe defleaing him.or crush a tiny bit of garlic through his food its as good as any flea deterent,the garlic runs through the blood so infected ticks or even fleas will NOT LATCH ON.poor kitty it doesnt sound good but i wish him/her all the best.please let me know as i am really interested as to what is causing of luckxxxx

  5. sometimes they just forget to pull it all the way back into their mouths

    mine  do all the time  when they been grooming  and is usually distracted by something

  6. some kittens are just funnycute like that.  its normal.  but i'd take him to a shelter, if hes so affectionate, he'll be adopted quickly

  7. My kitten does it too -- don't worry. I thought he was dehydrated, but I looked it up and I found out that cats leave their tongues out when they are relaxed, purring, or falling asleep.  If yours is a kitten it is also possible that his front teeth haven't grown in enough to keep it in his mouth.  

  8. When a cat is stressed or in pain, they pant.  You need to take the cat to a vet, or if you do not want the responsiblity - then have your mom drive it to the SPCA.  You should not be handling the kitten, then handing or petting your cat, you can be spreading viral infections to your cat.  You should ALWAYS wash your hands if you have pet or handled an outside cat before handling yours.  Also, just because it's outside, doesn't always mean it's homeless - and you should not feed it.;  It may have started out as someones pet, and following a "friend".  Unless you are sure it's a homeless stray - don't encourage other animals to follow you - shoo them away, you don't know what it's history or problems are, and should always tell your parents before feeding or touching any animal you are not familar with.

  9. You fed him but did you give him water?  He could be thirsty.  It is often easier to remember about food than water.  But if you are not going to keep him, or take care of him regularly, you should get him to the shelter or even check with vets offices if they would accept him for adoption (my vet always has some homeless cats for adoption).  

  10. when this happened to my friend's cat it was because she had an infection in her mouth - the kitten needs her mouth and teeth looked at!  infections can spread in to the brain or blood stream, as well - my friend's cat later had a stroke because of the infection in her teeth :(

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