
Why is this century referred to as th 21st century even though, numercally the year is in the 2000s?

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Why is this century referred to as th 21st century even though, numercally the year is in the 2000s?




  1. The first century was year 1 through 100. Note, there was never a "year zero." Remember our calendar was adopted later in the 1500s

    The 21st century began in 2001, not 2000.

    The calender we use, Gregorian, began to be adopted in the 14th century.  It replaced the Julian calendar. This was because the errors in the Julian calendar had thrown the computation of Easter off and by the 14th century the calender was 10 days out of synch.

    England however, didn't adopt the calender until 1752.When England adopted the Gregorian, Wednesday, September 2, 1752 was followed the next day by Thursday, September 14, 1752. This lead to riots and the  demand"Give us the eleven days back!" Part of the reason was landlords still charged the same amount for a month's rent, even though almost two weeks had vanished.

  2. It has to do with the concept of zero which is necessary for calculation.

    To make it simple, you can't be 1 until you have lived for a year.

    On every birthday you enter the next year of your life.

  3. We are now in the 21st century because the 20th century is over. The 21st century began in the year 2001 going up to 2100 end of 21st century and 2101 starts the 22nd century and so on, hope this help you understand. God Bless

  4. Because the "first century" spanned the years 0-99. Thus the 100-199 was the "second century" and so on.

  5. Because the 1st century was years 0-99. Therefore, years 100-199 became the 2nd century and so on. So until the final year of the century the years are always behind the actual century number.

    Also, think about it this is the 21st century. It is not complete. Therefore we are between 2000 and 2099. (21 x 100 = 2100. When the 21st century is complete we will be in the year 2,100)

  6. ima 21st century digital boooy

    I aint got no friends

    but i got a lotuv toooys

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