
Why is this considered endearing?

by Guest33535  |  earlier

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I'm a very shy, soft-spoken young woman and I'm very quiet around my coworkers. Today I told a brief story and at the end I added a detail that made everyone laugh. Afterwards, one of my coworkers was still giggling and then turned to me and said, "That was funny!" I smiled, but I could tell I was blushing a lot and it was getting worse when he said that. I couldn't make eye contact so I was just smiling and blushing as I stared down at the table.

Why would someone say my reaction is endearing?




  1. They were probably calling you "endearing" based on your blushing and your staring at the floor.  It comes across as cute.  People tend to think that quiet soft-spoken people are... well, cute and adorable, especially when they do something like what you described.

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