
Why is this day and age people are still afraid of the dark?

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I am always having people from all status of life asking me why am I still afraid of the dark... And than they ask me why do I run away from some dark and scary places...... And after I give them my reason why, It start making sense to them... And it offer them a totally different insight and it make them feel a lot better about themselves..... And they are no longer afraid of being afraid of dark scary places..... Now I know that there are a few people out there that say I am not or never was afraid of the dark and I look at them and start laughing at there comments... Because in no way what they are saying ir true.... First off all humans have certain protective values... The don't even think about reacting to certain dangers they just do it and think about it later and wonder how did those bullets or cars or bus missed me.... And all to many time they react so fast that they can't remember what they did.... Well I will try to make a long story shorter... Right now all humans that are alive to day inherited certain instincts from their ancerstors via genentics.... And every human that is alive to day had ancestors that walked this earth before we could talk to one another or had fire or even before our ancestors moved in to cave for shelter and warmth..... and during that thousands of years before we had fire they all ate their meal raw and uncooked.... Now during those thousands of years when thing went bump into the night they had every reason to be afraid for this that went bump could eat your ancestors raw.... Now after a couple of million of years had passed all that training about things that go bump into the night became ingrained instinctive behavior you know longer had to think about it you just started automatically reacting.... Now wes start the 3rd million years out ancestors have moved into cave that offered them even mor protection from things that went bump into the night and all that mean is that their training the future generations even more so about things that can go bump into the night..... Because their understanding of things have increesed 10x folds.... So now after 3 million years of training.... do you really thing that 2 million years of instinctive behavior of man-kind just went the way of the do-do bird not we still have to very same instinctive behavior burried in the backs of morden members of man-kind.... And when we come to passing or visiting a very dark scary place that instinctive behaviors kick right in and we just like our very ancient ancestors become afraid of the dark once again..............




  1. I like your explanation about why people are still afraid of the dark.  I still think that you are a complete *** for the false things you say about vampires, but I still have to admit you can be quite smart.

  2. non of what u said even made sense...

  3. I think it starts when we are little of course,Our parent's would send us to bed in this dark bedroom and you know you wanted to be out there with them. Then you watch a few movies then you know about the bogyman. Nobody hangs their feet off the bed,not even adults. And nobody wants to look at the closet either.I'm 47 and i don't hang my feet off the bed.And don't forget about the shadows past your bedroom window either. We all still close our eyes and roll over or put the covers right up to our eyes. It's human nature,you are right about that.But that stuff can really happen LOL.

  4. i actually took the time to read this you should write a book. i like your reasoning to do you like have a panic attack in the dark?

  5. i think part of the reasons why people are afraid of the dark is because of what they cant see. there are things that people dont see even in the light, but when the dark hits it just creeps people not knowing what could be there. when i was little like four or so, i use run and jump with a headstart to get on my bed i was always scared there was somthing underthere lol , i think those are typical for children but even into adult years, i think people still stay afraid of what could be there that they cant see with their eyes. ever get that cold chill?? blowig on the the back or your neck?? imagine that being without the lights on....

  6. please tell the soul story! I want to hear! Pleeeaaase????!

  7. it was hard for me to understand how you wrote your question, but the reason why people are afraid of the dark is because theyre scared that you'll come after them.

  8. I second can you share the soul story to us please~

    Perhaps the most interesting part of your whole explanation!

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