
Why is this fish so big? Betta

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and can you tell me some more about how to look after Betta Splendens(siamese fighting fish) and what is your favorite color of Betta and why?




  1. catxcatxx is correct about betta care. I just wanted to add a few additional links you may like to check out.

    I would say they're so popular because they're relatively easy to care for, and when given proper care and conditons they have wonderful little personalities. They learn to recognize the one that cares for them...whenever I go over to feed my little guys, they all swim to the front of their tanks like they're begging, especially the girls!

    My favorite colors are Grizzles and Butterflies. Grizzles have a random flecking or spotting of any irridescent color over a pastel body. Apparantly, it's a rather rare color...this pic is of my boy Remy, he's my absolute favorite betta (don't tell the others!)

    Butterflies have color on their body that spreads to their fins, with either white or clear color as a band along the outside. I hope I described that okay...this is a picture of my butterfly boy Roger, who I lost after he lept through a 1/2 inch gap out of his tank...that's another tip, cover your tank, bettas jump!

    Good luck!

  2. bettas are a misunderstood wee fish, they are highly popular due to their ability to live in relatively small tanks (i would say no smaller than 5 US gallons though as they are actually fairly active) and because they come in such an array of colours. of course the betta you see with all the colours and the long fins are completely unnatural and are the result of many many years of selective breeding that originate in their native country of Thailand. these big fins leave them fairly hampered down meaning they cannot live in a tank with a strong current.

    they are fairly territorial but more often than not are the victim of fish such as fin nippers like serpae tetras and danios, or become starved by shoaling fish like neon tetras eating the food before they do, bettas eat at their own leisure.

    the perfect betta tank is a 5-10 gallon tank for a single male, fully planted, cycled, filtered and heated. male bettas do not desire company, they like their territories to themselves and should never cohabit with a female betta.

    female bettas can be kept in sonority groups of at least 5 individuals in a minimum of 10 gallons. while less territorial than males, they can still put up a fight and will set up a very strict heirarchy. for a group like this, sibling females are best. the tank must have dense planting and dozens of hiding places. as both females and male plakats (short finned males) do not have elaborate fins they can put up with a bit more current than their flamboyant relatives.

    my favourite colours are coppers and silver dragons. my favourite that i owned was a platinum copper betta, he was iridescent silver, i've never seen one like him, he was very individual and lived with me until the ripe old age of 4. never found out what tail type he was due to the fact i bought him with tail damage and it never fully regrew, suspect he was a delta though. this was him:

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