
Why is this girl proud of what she does? *ADOLESCENT*?

by Guest63344  |  earlier

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My best friend Mercedes has this friend named Jessica but Im not friends with Jessica, more like acquaintances and Jessicas been going out with this older guy who's 20 years old but Jessica is only 15.

She says they're really in love and they've had s*x many times (gross i know, thats why im not friends wth her). They've been going out for 2 years.

Jessica skipped two days of school so she can meet up with her bf in an alley nearby school to have s*x and makeout. Now shes been to chool, she says that she went to a party with her bf and they were drunk and says she cant wait till hes 18 (cause they changed the laws in texas, you cna be 18 to buy alcohol now) so se can drink all the time. She smoked weed too before with her bf.

Whenever she mentions these things, she seems proud of it like he likes being a rebel and shes always happy.

Why? Why would she throw her life away like this? I know its not my business but im lookin out for my best friend mercedes so jessica doesnt drag her into her drama.




  1. because shes stupid shes stupid shes having s*x with a pedo also shes stupid did i mention shes stupid and shes 2 stupid to ever think why her boyfriend cant get someone at his own age.

    so all in all she throws her life away cause shes stupid

  2. She probaly thinks its cool, its not. Your doing the right thing for looking out for your bff. I agree with everything you said too. That or maybe shes lying to try and sound cool. Godd Luck finding out!

  3. hmm maybe she just doesnt knw what wrong or right.or she wants attention.

  4. d**n that girl is stupid... she's gonna end up with an STD and some issues

  5. let your friend do whatever she wants to do its her life and business  not yours stay out of it the more you stick your nose in it the more you p**s her off she might or could get upset with you like i said let her do whatever she wants with her life  soon she will learn  from her mistakes she will realize what she has done was wrong leave her alone  

  6. b/c sum people are stupid and ont see the big picture

  7. hmm idk but its NOTHING to be proud about

    more like something to be embarassed about... SHOULD call the police! it still is in the interest of mercedes

    just do an anonymous phone call and give them information and they can question the boyfriend and then he'll get probation or something, and then jessica wont be with him anymore, therefore not exposed to that anymore

    therefore your friend wouldn't have the possibility of being exposed

  8. first you say he's 20 then you say he's 17 going to be 18 which one is it?

    once you answer that i'll answer you question.  

  9. lmfao completely agree with she didnt choose this role.

    it is fun!

    and obviously youve never done weed so you wouldnt know, and did she ever say it tasted good? noo she said it was fun.

    the whole being with a 20 year old thing is gross though. like what a pedophile.

    there nothing really you can do.

    your not mercedes mommy you cant tell her what to do and who to hang out with

    youve already talked to her about it.. so your parts done.

    move on.  

  10. Because she's insecure and wants to look "cool" so she f**ks up her future life for a few trivial indulgences as a child.

    By the way, 15 year olds don't know what love is. She's infatuated and can't tell the difference.

  11. First you need to beat the living h**l out of that 20 year old for messing with a 15 year old. If you call the police he can probably get thrown into jail for statutory rape,  he's is an adult she is 15, You have to be at least 16(depends on what state some are 18) to have sexual relationship with her.

    I highly suggest grabbing a sludge hammer and not kill him but beat him with it.

    EDIT: You won't call the retarded police and won't beat him. What do you want to do. It's her business. Yes but now make it your bis. Don't say your a good friend and you won't tell on her.  Freak tell her parents. They have the right to whip her behind and then beat the 20 year old up. Smoking some WEED is not bad. Smoking an out of hand amount is different. O so you care about your Mercedes friend. Well tell her parents than. Stop making it hard on yourself. IDK!

    To the girl at the bottom. If your parents like their 15 year old daughter to go out  with a 20 year old. Then d**n your parents have problems.

  12. i know a few girls like jessica, and its really sad.

    i think she is just trying to get attention anyway she can, and the only kind she knows how to get is bad attention. i think she just wants respect. so shes trying to act cool. and it might even work for awhile.

    but dont worry, she will get what she deserves. it might be she gets pregnant, or cought gettin high, or her bf might be using her, cause seriously...5 years is a huge age difference at such a young age.  

  13. cuz shes young and stupid to understand!

    and im sure ur friend is way smarter than the she is!!

    just leave them alone if sshe wants to throw her life away then let her.

    or tell her mother lol [lame i kno]


  14. she likes feeling big

    better and more experienced than everyone else


    and she knows that if anyone finds out that their having s*x hes going ot be arrested right?

    cus its rape

  15. Maybe because she isn't noticing how what she is doing is "Throwing her life away".

  16. Maybe she just likes to act older then she is.....~xoxo ally*

  17. Well lots of people get into that, most teens. I am but most outgrow it. It should be fine. Unless she gets preg. Just keep an eye on your friend talk to her about it. As for that chick don't worry about her she's just being rebellious. And she is proud of that.  

  18. You can buy alcohol if you're 18 there?  No way!!!!!

    Oh, right.  Your question.  Some people choose to live their lives differently.  What you think is fun isn't what she thinks is fun.  You guys just don't have enough in common for you to be able to understand.  Drinking and gettin high is FUN.  It's not good but it's fun. She probably thinks she's hot **** with her 20 year old boyfriend when that's actually pretty nasty.  When she was 13 he was 18?  That's beyond disgusting.  Where are her parents?

  19. Tell her mom by putting a note in the her parents mail box.  But if you really want to help her address it to her dad, he will get it done

  20. you have to be 21 to buy alcohol in texas....i would know...i live in texas.

  21. since when can you buy achohal at 18?!

    i live in texas and i havent heard that.

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