
Why is this government paying out 'family allowances' to children in Polnd, when they don't live here?

by  |  earlier

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When I had my first child 'family allowance' was not given to the first child - only once you had the second child that we were given 'family allowance'.Our for- fathers have worked and strived to get us these allowances - where is the fairness in this - we wouldn't get such privilages - should we be in Poland - or any other country for that matter. I am not predjudice in any way - just think this is totally unfair and the government must be off their heads to allow this. No wonder taxes etc., are rising - what will be next?




  1. The fact is the government have no control any more its done by Brussels, worst thing this country ever did by joining up with the European union, had we have remained out and thatcher had not privatised our oil we would not now be held to ran-some by OPEC

  2. Agreed this is wrong.

    It is a loophole in the child benefit regulations 2003. The regulations state that Child Benefit is payable to a parent 'whose child is abroad and receiving an education'; unfortunately this has created a loophole for immigrants. some men come to the UK leaving their family at home, while they are here their children are abroad and receiving an education, therefore they qualify. To make mattes worse the requirement for child tax credit is that you have child benefit (the child does not have to be 'resident and present' in the UK) so they get that as well

    The Government have stated they will close this loophole. The whole regulation was poor in my opinion as it was designed to allow those who were rich enough to send their kids abroad to finishing school access to child benefit and I don't think that's appropriate either.

    write to your local MP and tell him this is a disgrace

    BTW it has nothing what so ever to do with Europe and the Governemnt can sort this if they have the will to do so

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