
Why is this guy telling me what or how i should be??!?

by  |  earlier

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Like he dosent get i dont have feelings for him. He keeps tlling me i should be more "open, bold, and spicy" like **** thats not even me to top that i dont have feelings for him. why wont he get off my business??!! and how do i tell him off..will ignoring work??




  1. Just be yourself how you like to be..  don't be friends with him anymore if he judge you how to be .. it's not good =/

  2. just accept his advise say ok and go about your day

  3. No, sounds like he won't stop until u tell him. You don't have to be mean unless necessary (sounds like u might) just tell him that your not interested and that he needs to stop. I know its kinda annoying but some men NEED to be told, otherwise they assume.

    Good Luck!!

  4. Put this guy in his place, which is not God's gift to women. Let him know in no uncertain terms that you do not want him,

    since he sounds like an jerk, ignoring him will not work, confront him and tell him to fake a flying leap.

  5. Try ignoring him first (see if that works).  Don't be around him ever.

    If ignoring him does not work -- then kindly tell him to please stop it.

    If that does not work -- then bodly tell him to stay out of your business - and to not tell you anything because you don't want to hear it.

  6. Sounds like you have a stalker.........tell him that if he doesn't leave you alone, you're going to file a report with the police. Then if he still bothers you, you can have him arrested.

  7. It's best to ignore him. People like him scare me. He sounds like a guy my friend used to date. An abusive control freak. You might have to get the cops for him.

  8. Did you tell him you don't have feelings for him? There was this guy that wouldn't stop calling me that went to my school. I didn't even give him my phone number! He would call like 5 times a day. So at one point i just cracked and said Stop Calling me you freaking stalker! I did everything in my power to ignore him and every time he talk to me I would pretend as if i didn't hear him. And if he really wouldn't stop talking id be like "get lost". Eventually he stoped.  

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