
Why is this guy wearing a purse in this pic, is he g*y??

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Why is the guy at the end wearing a purse?!!




  1. He is righteous, for there are no true "g*y people."  There are only people who have been deceived.

  2. go to europe and yo'll see everyone wearing one. that shock factor will go away. there is another guy wearing a bigger one, so it has to be europe.  

  3. Its a man-purse! :D

    More and more guys are getting wise and carrying their c**p in something. Not enough wallet/pocket room? Get a shoulder bag!

    I don't see the big deal. Its not like it's pink with sequins. ;)  

  4. who cares?  do u know him or something?

  5. it's not a purse, and even if it is that doesn't make him g*y. It's called a man bag. grow up and get a fashion sense.

  6. that seems more like a "man" purse which practicly its not

    hehe maybe one his friends made him carry it for them [that's what i always do]

  7. In America, the three scariest words a straight man can hear are "Hold my purse."

  8. I agree with shot through the heart


  9. That's not a purse, it's a shoulder bag, something that is very popular with guys in the country I live in.

  10. maybe he likes it. u cant judge someones sexual orientation on what they wear and such. i dont like the fact that ppl say men cant wear purses, just another stupid gender boundary.  

  11. More likely he's just European.  

  12. It's a manbag, sometimes g*y sometimes not.. but always strange.

  13. thats not a purse

  14. its a shoulder bag but he dose look a bit g*y dose it really matter


    its really annoying.

    and who cares what his sexuality is, you cant tell by one picture.

  16. U can tell the truth, that guy is ur boy friends and he is turning to g*y right. hahaha

  17. thats not a purse it's a shoulder bag


    plus he could've been carrying his gf or wifes


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