
Why is this happening? Confused and upset!?

by  |  earlier

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Every night since school started I've been having dreams about my ex-boyfriend from sixth grade. It's weird because they're about us being together still, as if we never broken up. In real life we tried to be friends but ended up not speaking to each other because he's mad at me for breaking his heart.

The weird thing about this whole mess is that last night in my dream we were already broken up and I was crying telling him that he was a liar and a jerk. He tried to calm me down but I tell him that he shouldn't have suggested that we should still be friends if he was planning to hurt me like this.

Why am I having these dreams. Why do I feel like they mean something? Do these dreams really do mean something? Do you think he might be having the same dreams, too?




  1. This could be happening because you just started school again and a lot of the memories you and your ex shared were present at school. Sometime dreams are just a way for your subconscious to bring thoughts into the conscious mind. Just another aspect of hormones and feelings. You could just miss him. Your dreams only mean something if you want them to...

  2. maybe you want to feel loved and he's the only one who loved you as much as you needed...

    thats the thing with girls, we always think the guy is still ours.

  3. i remember those days....well wen ur that age ur emotions are crazy.

    i cant really explain y ur having dreams about him but maybe u need to try to talk to him and get on good terms that might help h**l im sure u miss him so i cant hurt to give it a to him c how he feels

  4. How long has it been since you guys broke up?  If it was fairly recent, then it's just your brain on overdrive while you're asleep, upset about th breakup.  

    If it was years ago, then maybe you saw him recently and you still have feelings for him that you're trying to resolve?

    Doubtful that he's having the same dreams.

  5. Seriously, at your age you have no idea what love or a broken heart is. Wait until you're 18-19 years old and then we'll have a serious chat.  

  6. i think that you want to fee loved soorry you cant clear your mind but you'll be good soon

  7. Hon- i think you might be over reacting. Your in sixth grade, hon! A bit too young to be dating...

    Will you really want to spend the rest of your life with him in 10 years?

    Be true to yourself!

    Good luck!

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