
Why is this happening?????

by  |  earlier

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my mom and dad made two cakes today but then the middle of the cake is not cooking completely. and if we leave it inside the oven a little longer the surface will burn. bc the surface cooks completely but then the middle is left half cooked. why???????




  1.   This condition usually happens when the oven is too hot.

    Try baking for a longer period of time at a lower temperature.

      It's now burning the outside edges before the heat can get to the middle.

  2. The oven temperature is TOO hot.  The temperature needs to be turned down.  Also, this is why people use the bain-marie method when baking.  See source list below.

    Also recommend that you read (from your local library) or purchase from The Cake Doctor.  It is an excellent book.

  3. If you take a piece for aluminum foil and fold it so that it will go all the way around the cake pan (so that it looks like a belt is around the pan) that will slow down the browning process and as the cake  when your cooking it  and it looks like the top is get to brown then lay a piece of foil on top and the cake will cook but will not brown. Also make sure cake is on  middle rack .Sound like you oven is set to high.But try what I said it really works . Also here is a website that sells bake even strips it the same as using foil take a look.. good luck to

  4. this happends to me too, i usually cut a slit in the middle enough so it can seep though and cook okay, seems to work for me...

    good luck with cooking!

  5. Could your oven be up too high? Or it could be that your oven needs cleaning. Putting it on the middle racks helps too so it wont cook too fast on the top or bottom.

  6. Your question has already been answered about your temperature being too high.  It helps to test the temperature on occasion with a thermometer to make sure it's accurate.  If it runs too hot for the actual temperature, turn it down.  For instance, if you set it for 350º but a thermometer says it's 375º, then turn it down to 325º whenever you want to bake something at 350º, at least until you can get the oven corrected.  Hope that helps.

    The higher heat will cook the outside but won't allow enough time to go by to cook the inside.  By turning the heat down, then the outside won't be finished so much sooner than the inside.  I know if you take it out of the oven before the center is cooked, it will fall.  But if you did remove it before it was done, you can finish it in the microwave but don't set for more than one minute at a time.  I do that with meat when a person we have over wants her steak well done and the rest of us want it rare.

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