
Why is this happening to me????

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike recently i was in the shower and i noticed a small lump on my bicept.

I figured it was a bruise from hockey at first and i pushed it out of my mind.

A few days later, i woke up in the middle of the night with horrible pain in my bicept.

When i looked at it, the lump had doubled in size and it was glowing a greenish color.

I dont know if it is radiation or what. But it has not stopped glowing yet!

I am afraid to show it to anyone cause they will think i am a freak.

It gets bigger every day and its been spreading up my shoulder on to the side of my chest.

Please help i am SO scared!




  1. Ok....heres the deal

    You have what is known as Degenerate Flarion Syndrom.

    My grandfather had the same thing and it led to his death.

    For years he looked for medical assistance and no one could really help him.

    There is no cure.

    And the glowing is in fact cause by a radioactive bacteria that thrives on your tissues.

    Eventualy, the glowing will cover most of your body and you will lose the strength to do anything.

    I watched this disease take my grandfather for 13 years and i know its h**l.

    Im glad he finally passed on cause he was living a world of torture.

    Just enjoy your final days and bring some awareness to this disease that is very much a life-taker!

    RIP Albert Scott

    July 14, 1955 - March 12, 2006

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