
Why is this happening to so many teenagers?

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Why are so many teenagers completely obssessed with losing weight befire school instead of concentrating on improving thier dies and overall health? Can people be happy with how they look on the scale? Isn't the goal to be healthy, not skinny?




  1. media crams and hammers it into young minds that body image comes first before ANYTHING else. look at your tv set... you won't find more than 3 "average" looking people in it. and those three average-looking people are usually portrayed as the fat people in a show. the awkward, ugly, overweight people... so if a girl looks average, she is "ugly".

    i think it's just our generation. that's how it's always been for us. we were born into it. you may have been too, if you were raised in the 60s. our generation's style and physique is a lot like that of the 60s. twiggy, edie sedgewick, skinny jeans, flat shoes, mod hair... the whole bit.

  2. caz girls want to look good and not feel left out or not have a boyfirend

  3. I don't really know but I think it has to do with being pressured and seeing other people so beautiful. Maybe they just want to be like their favorite actress or something. But I think the most healthy way to lose weight is to play sports. That's what I do. =] ..and eat fruits 5-a-day  

  4. This is really easy to say, control diet. Practically its really hard to do that .who wants to skip the delicious food, Nobody , no one. specially teenager even though they thought once about their body. Their mind will easily get distracted by seeing COOL food.

  5. Teenagers are still very much children and really have not learned about the important things in life like being healthy and getting a good diet and education. Teenagers are at the stage they feel invincible. Things like image are what matter, they go to school and get people pick on them if they are in any way different, so it is to be expected that they worry about how they look. I mean seriously, did you stop and think you should maybe not have a burger or bag of chips with your friends and choose a carrot stick instead? Give them a break, its hard being their age, everybody tells them to act like a grown up while being reminded all the time they are just a child. Be realistic!

  6. The media, low self esteem I think are the biggest causes

  7. Well, I am a teenager myself, and I realllly want to lose weight before school starts. There is so much pressure from friends, and my goal is not to be "skinny" it is to be fit. A lot of people gain weight over summer because they are really lazy couch potatoes, and of course everyone cares about their appearance, it just sets a good first impression.

    duh. lol


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