
Why is this news, i don't think this is important?

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Confused sea turtles march into restaurant (Reuters)

There are more important things they should report.




  1. Entertainment has always been part of the news. Have you ever seen a newspaper from the mid-1800s? The front page is full of stories about husbands fighting with wives and people who visiting from the next town over.

    Many, many people read articles for amusement. If that's not your thing, skim over the headline and read the next story. That's why headlines are big, so you can quickly assess whether you want to read more. It's not fair to judge the media because they're giving people something they want. That, in addition to reporting the "important" stories, is part of their job.

  2. Sure there are more important things, but this is a rare thing, and rare things make the news also. Reuters even has a complete topic devoted to odd news items where this one would fit right in with the rest. It is not a front page item.

  3. In this day and age, with all the numerous media outlets, and the competition to "entertain", everything assumes a high level of importance. It is  ridiculous. It has become more difficult to sort out the really important stories from all the public interest garbage.

  4. Often Georgia war, iran nuclear, iraq war, Israel problems, economy problem, gas price, how many times they will report these news. They are doing their work of reporting these above matters also and that is also a news to report.  it is the duty of the journalism to report all matters whether it is important, or more important etc., but to cover all news.They report games, and about other countries etc., also.

  5.'s to distract people from things they should really be worried about:

  6. "Why is this news?"..... Because you fail to appreciate what "NEWS" actually is

    This is not about informing people about important issues..... It is about the news media making money selling a product...."information"

    There is a large number of people who enjoy "weird and odd" news.... The number of people accessing their news site tells the cash paying advertisers where to spend their ad dollars

    Beyond brings into question certain subliminal questions....Why were the turtles "confused"?.... Does this mean there is a problem with the environment ? ( Turtles and other amphibians are very sensitive to pollution..... could their "confusion" indicate a possible problem for humans? )  

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