
Why is this okay for this?

by Guest65392  |  earlier

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Why is it okay for everyone to be cocky around me but once I even mention a positive thing about myself, every one says that i think I'm all that?




  1. I don't know what your talking about. What did you say? Can you add more to this?

  2. Because they're being hypocritical or they're most likely jealous of you. Or they might disagree with what you're saying about yourself. I also agree that you should add more to this. Maybe we could help you out more. Maybe tell us what you said about yourself, what they say about themselves, etc. But sometimes people can just be weird like that, there's a lot of crazy people in the world. I would confront them about it or the next time you say something positive about yourself and they say your being all that then be like "Well you know I'm quite happy with my positive traits and it needs to be expressed. You do the same, you should respect me for what I have to say and I'm really tired of you saying that. Next time you say something cocky about yourself don't come running to tell me." I think that would work, don't let these people push you around. Hope everything goes well, you can contact me through email if you need additional help. :)

  3. You shouldn't mind what people think of you. If you a positive person. Oh, well they will get over it. I love being around positive people. I get it all the time. Sometime people don't know how to react to a person who thinks of themselves highly.  

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