
Why is this person being like there are?

by  |  earlier

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if somebody on a friend list on one of your websites deleted comments or messages you left that were nice/friendly but views your profile on another site you are both on and yet in a last PM to you they recall a conversation you had over a month ago and refer to it, subsequently posting pictures connecting to the conversation you originally brought up ~~ what would you think if anything as I'm totally confused by their actions?




  1. Has he got a girlfriend? Is she the jealous type?

  2. I think this question is lacking in answers because it's quite confusing and lacking in detail. Add more detail and I'll answer and probably more people will do too. Just a tip hun. :) x


    Ok, it sounds like he has a real problem! To delete comments/messages, that's really odd  behaviour. Do you feel you know him well enough to confront him? If so, you should do so, though not in an aggressive style. Just ask him why he does it and say it gets you down a bit!

    I'm not sure what you meant in the 2nd part - the referring to a previous conversation thing - but I definitely think confrontation is the key! It's the only way you'll find out what's going on inside his head. Good luck :) x

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