
Why is this? (please read on....)?

by Guest61171  |  earlier

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It seems like every man I know says they don't like clingy women but their actions speak otherwise.. they are constantly dating clingy women. Why is this?

Ive also noticed that the friends of mine who are clingy always seem to be in great relationships but the friends of mine who are independent always seem to be complaining about how they havent been on a date in a long time and almost always seem to be single.

Just what I've noticed.




  1. Insecurity.And it comes out eventually,and is rectified one way or another.Break-up or space.

  2. Maybe before they date the women they don't know they are clingy. I mean before we get into the relationship we dont know how the person will react. Having someone who is clingy is kind of a good thing, having another rely on you and always want you around feels good. I dont know why these men would say they dont like it.

  3. I used to be clingy and I got broken up with a few times. I dated a clingy guy, seemingly a good match, but I felt suffocated. Now, I'm not clingy at all. My boyfriend and I both have our space and are happier that way. I think guys like to date clingy women, because it makes them feel important. It also make them look cool to their friends if the girl is hot. It eventually gets to be too much, though. Clingy-syndrome usually mean they have self-esteem issues of some kind and need to be on their own for a while. It helps.

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