
Why is this ppl,please explain?

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my longterm boyfriend ditched me coz i am pregnant and don't want to abort.i call him constantly and he told me to **** off. then i stopped calling him. he seemed to be coming around saying he wud meet me again.but the minute i started with the calls and texts he was offf on one and told me to go away.what do i do here??




  1. stay to your self and let him come to you , you will have the baby and be very happy with out him bc you got something presious in return

  2. That sucks! I think guys get off way too easy in these kind of situations. Even child support is not fair to the baby or the mom That's like saying here is $50 buck go raise my child.

    You should have your dad break his knee caps. That would be fair.

  3. You hooked up with a jerk.  He doesn't want this responsibility and you are now going to have to make some decisions and be the mature one

  4. best response is to find someone else. and tell the ex that either way he will be paying to support the child that he helped  create.

  5. eff him you dont need him,,,,seriously just file for child support and dont even think about getting back with him no matter how much he beggs and cries

  6. You move on and focus on your pregnancy and how to take care of your child in the future. If he doesn't want to come around then don't bother, you don't need the stress.  

  7. Personally, I'd leave him alone and take him to court for child support after the child was born.  He giving you the cold shoulder intentionally so you'll do what he wants you to do, he doesn't really want to talk to you anyway and he figures if he ignores you that you'll have that abortion.  I wouldn't have an abortion either and I wouldn't be interested in him either since he said that.  

  8. I agree with all the ladies.  Focus on that sweet child, who didn't ask to be born, but is very much your reality for the rest of your life.  His/her daddy sounds like an irresponsible jerk; he doesn't deserve to be a dad.

    Do everything in your power to stay healthy for yourself and your baby.  Focus on your little one.

    The dad does owe you child support.  You may have to have a paternity test to force him to provide; don't be surprised if he asks for it even though you know and he knows you were with no one but him.  Just another way guys can act like azzes.

    Good luck.

  9. You need to back off and then sue for child support when the baby is born

  10. You are going to have to raise your baby alone and stop worrying about someone who obviously doesn't want to be with you.

  11. This is sad. You need to just act as if he doesn't exist and start planning what your going to do about raising a baby alone

  12. Why did you get pregnant to a guy who obviously does not want a baby?  It never ceases to amaze me that women 'accidentally' get pregnant to men like that and are surprised and get upset when they want nothing to do with it.  Leave him alone having a baby will not bring him back.  

  13. He seems like an a*****e.  You are better off without him.  If you do not want to abort the baby or give the baby up for adoption, and want to raise the baby as a single mom, it will be hard.  I would not resume a romantic relationship with this guy because he is a jerk.  He WILL have to be there for his child whether or not he wants to... I would only have a "parent-to-parent" relationship to get child support...nothing else.  Good luck, but move on and do not "Date" him anymore.

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