
Why is this????????????

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Every body is saying now a days that the kids and people in general are getting taller than the last generation mainly because of diet. I live in the U.S. and it is true. Main people I see and know are taller than both of their parents. But if a major factor is having a better diet than past generations I don't see how that could be possible. As Americans we eat way to much fast processed junk food and hardly get any healthy food. Fast food is in many meals such as McDonald's and we snack a lot. I'm not saying everybody in America does this but the majority does with us being the most obese country in the world. Even my friends have poor diets and are tall but not so fat because they exercise. So why are kids getting taller when we really have pretty poor diets?




  1. You're not entirely off-base... on average Europeans are taller than Americans because they eat so much less processed, preserved, "fast" food than we do. But this generation's diet, despite the addition of large amounts of "c**p food", is still an improvement on the diet of our parents... there is much more emphasis on kids getting enough calcium to foster strong bone growth, fruits and veggies, proteins, etc... we have more of a grasp on nutrition now than the previous generation did, and it's being applied to today's kids.

    So yes, our nutritional insight has improved which leads to better choices being made on the behalf of society, but we are also falling behind countries that do not consume as much fast food as we do.


    its all the rage


  3. Hormones in your chicken

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