
Why is this round of AFL played over two weekends this weekend?

by Guest59521  |  earlier

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Why is this round of AFL played over two weekends this weekend?




  1. stretch the season out so the grand final is still on the last Saturday in September also would help gate takings etc

  2. Well said GFC Catter boy,   a mate and mine were saying the exact thing only 2 hrs back on the golf course.   The clowns who run the AFL are empty heads, i once couldn't care one way or the other about them, but the last few years(Andy yrs)  they have been rubbing footy fans up the wrong way with their stupidity.

    I would love to hear him explain why it can not be 4 games this week and 4 next week if the split round has to be. another week wasted that could be used to even the comp out, as i have said b4,   get rid of the NAB cup rubbish, the split round etc and make each team play each other twice.

    like when there was 12 in the league (vfl),  just do it if any of the cronies from the afl check this site out, and they should, they might realise footy fans are not Happy,   do they care? No.

  3. I think Collingwood made it up, its to help poor old Rocca recover. lol

  4. just is!

  5. Mid-season break

  6. It's called a split round. Teams get a mid-season break. Some teams get their break this week the others next week.

  7. Mid-season break ...

    Sux for the supporters who have to wait 2 weeks to see their team play again :(

  8. i think its like mid season break i dont see the point 6 games this week 2 next i think its stupid but anyway

  9. It is the bulls*it split round. Six games this week, two games next week. It is just another week off for the players, but it needs to be four games and four games instead of 6-2 or 7-1 like it used to be.

  10. It's a split round to give each team a break mid-season. They play it over two weeks so there is still footy to watch each weekend. If there was no footy I'd have withdrawal symptoms! I agree with you gfcbarracker, they need to even it our better and have four games each week.

  11. **It's half way through the season and is designed to give the players a break.  They play four games on weekend and four games the next.**

  12. To give the players a mid-season break

  13. Its been answered but just wanted to add my bit..

    Drives me absolutely insane in the membrane!!!!!

    And Swans always play Pies and were the very last teams to play over the fortnight and its never 4teams a piece over the the two weekends and it just totally sucks and I'm finished whining now..

  14. It's like a mid-season break for the players... 4 clubs will get it this week and the other 12 next week

  15. I think the split round is ridiculous but given the pace of the modern day game and resulting injuries a week off is required. I think we should just let all teams take the same week off and for those of us that can't live a week without footy hold games featuring the best junior age talent from around Australia. I agree the NAB cup is a joke and has no real importance. I believe that they should call it what it is being a test run for up and coming players and limit team members to those with 10 games or less of AFL experience.

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