
Why is this so hard for people to do?

by  |  earlier

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I was on the highway going 75 in a 60. I'm speeding but only going a bit faster than the flow of traffic so I'm in the left lane. While driving I notice a car(300 C) coming up on me so I right and let the 300 pass then go back in the left lane to pass slower traffic.

Why is that SOO hard for people to do? I don't think, "Well I'm going 15 over so he shouldn't be going so fast!" or anything retarded like that. I just move over since he's going faster. Then move back over. That action took all of 6 seconds. Most people seem to think if they're going 5 over then it's fine to sit their dumbasses in the fast lane forever. Especially while passing a "Slower Traffic Keep Right" sign.




  1. I think there are two reasons why people do this.

    One, they feel that they should be the ones to dictate how fast others drive. They'll determine a safe speed, and want to make sure nobody else exceeds it.

    Two, they don't have a clue. They'll just pick a lane and drive in it at any speed, completely oblivious to the traffic piling up behind them.

  2. you were probably behind me...i like to do it to make people mad

  3. well because you have common sense and the rest of the world that does that don't... I am the same way but my wife just sits there...I say it all the time slower drivers move right but they don't the pedal on the right makes car

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