
Why is this so hard to understand?

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Being a democrat doesnt mean you dont work for what you have. It does not mean that you expect hand outs. It does not mean that you are poor, lazy, and undeserving of what you get. Why do most repbulicans seem to look down upon democrats by calling them communists? I am a proud democrat, but I earn what have, I work hard, and certainly dont expect anything from anyone, especially not a republican. Explain to me please why this is so hard for you to understand?!




  1. Among Democrats, you are an anomaly.  The typical Democrat wants government (that means you) to pay for health insurance for everybody, and many other goodies -- all of which are nice, but all of which would have been viewed by the founders as individual responsibility.

  2. If that is the case, then why are so many Democrat leaders so anxious to increase taxes, and redistribute them away to those who are poor, lazy and undeserving?  Why would you support those people.

    What is so wrong with allowing hard working people, and yes the rich work hard too, to keep more of their hard earned money?

  3. Because the moment they pull their heads out of the sand and realize that democrats on average make more money than them, then it becomes clear -- they are the party of the selfish and they LOVE to feel morally superior.

  4. The Democratic national party has moved so far left that "old school" dems will not follow.  Read Zell Miller's book, A party no more. Further, read up on the Progressive congressional caucus, a direct offshoot of the socialist democrats of america.  THEN, look up Obama's ties to marxism.

  5. It isn't that hard to understand.  Most conservatives get this.  They also know that they can't win on issues.  It's much easier to take the cheap shot then it is to get Americans to agree with on tax breaks for the rich, for the huge corporations and healthcare for those who can afford it and no one else.  

    The strategy also works very well on the playground.

  6. Republican candidates have thoroughly researched the electorate and have realized for years that most constituents are likely to vote against their own self interests.  Throw a few social (wedge) issues in the mix, and many people will actually vote to reduce their economic standing as long as g**s aren't able to cohabitate via civil unions.  

  7. because cons have no real platform to stand on.

    all they have is the ability to sell fear to the stupid.

  8. I'm pretty sure most Republicans do know that. It's just a line of attack they use against the Democrats.  

  9. those who post that type drivel are talk radio minions, who's only political concepts are rhetorical and blustering...fact based discourse is well above their intellect.

    A sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, and gifted with an egotistical imagination that can at all times command an interminable and inconsistent series of argument to malign and opponent and glorify himself. Benjamin Disraeli  

  10. I know you're frustrated, but it's not "most republicans" that do this.  Most Republicans are moderates, like you and me, and like most Liberals.  You are referring to the extremist right wing.

    These folks don't understand anything that is different than them, their history or how they think.  They react badly to change and they believe that a future they don't control will mean their demise.  The result is they lash out in a very hostile and aggressive fashion at any new or different ideas.  Common attacks from them include the words "terrorist," "socialist," "communist," "liberal," "lib," "marxist," and "unpatriotic."

    Don't take this personally, and don't bother pleading or begging with them to understand you, it's just natural.  Most of us are like you - hard working, sincere and doing our best to make sure our families are ok without it being at the expense of our neighbors.

    God bless you!

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