
Why is this so? please help me?

by  |  earlier

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when i wrote to my cousin in india for india's independence day, he replied "great to hear from you. how have u and buiji been. did u manage to pick up a job? we are having fun today all dressed up in tricolors. give my regards to all...............cheers. " today was raksha bandhan. when i called india, he answered the phone. when i told him who it was, he said hi then my name. i wished him happy raksha bandhan and he said "thanks alot, same to you. i talked to him for 2-3 minutes then i gave the phone to my mom then she talked to his wife then her brother. is that rude of my cousin to ask about my mom, but doesnt talk to her? could it be he was busy?




  1. i wouldnt jump to conclusions or anything. i dnt think he would hurt your mom like that on purpose. maybe ask him about it.

  2. You don't know, but maybe he was on his way out the door when you called.  He at least did ask about her.  Maybe they didn't want to run up your phone bill either.  But he did at least remember her & ask about her.  I wouldn't worry about it.  You don't know the situation on their end, so don't fret about it.  Take care...:)

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