
Why is this so......?

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  1. i duno.... maybe we live on the mountain ...?

  2. Because Malaysians are humans  

  3. are u sure u never look down to anybody????

  4. what is your question?

  5. agree with zeeda..!!

  6. way to go kak Shim ... hehe

  7. Just like Hong Kong look down on Singaporeans and me look down on you... this looking down game will never end...

  8. yea, why is this so......?

    PEACE =D

  9. so what?

  10. even the crab look down on the ant

  11. Only people with power will look down to others.

    Rich indon clan will look down at poor malaysians.

    Malaysian mogul will look down at singaporean worker bees.

    Singaporean tycoon will look down at homeless indonesians.

    So, what's the different?

  12. I only look down or do not respect the person. His/her nationality has got nothing to do with it.

    In a nutshell, it's the person not the nationality.  

  13. I look down to anybody who look down to themselves, not only Indons but my own people. Very normal la this situations. Where ever you go also this kind of things happen. You really think the Indons don't look down to their own people?

    If nobody is looking down to other person then there'll be no rich and poor.

  14. I don't look down on other nations.

    I look down on individuals :-

    - men who abuse women

    - grown-ups who abuse kids

    - s*x perpetrators

    - children who neglect their aged parents

  15. human ma...some are good, some are see no one is perfect...just my 2 cents ;)
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