
Why is this still saying this?

by  |  earlier

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i have been taking the ovulation kit test and it said i was ovulating on july 22 so we had s*x but now it is still saying im ovulating i thought i only showed ur most 2 fertile days so why is it saying im still ovulating. is it suppose to be like that or what. never done this kind of test before.




  1. sometimes your body will be ready to ovulate and it dosent for whatever reason i suggest charting it really help to understand your cycle...oh and read Taking charge of your fertility its great book!

  2. OPTs are looking for an LH surge that occurs about 24 hours before you ovulate.  Once you get that surge, it can take days for enough LH to get flushed from your system before an OPK would show 'negative' again.

    It's similar to a miscarriage.  Just because you've had a miscarriage doesn't mean you won't get a BFP on an HPT.  It takes time for the hcg the HPT is looking for to get flushed from your system before it starts showing negative again.

  3. My last OPK was 3 days long as well.  Don't worry about it, it's normal.  After you get that first positive OPK, there is no need to test again.  You should have ovulated 24-48 hours after your FIRST positive reading.  Your body can pick up a surge anywhere from 12 hours to 3 days, that's why they suggest testing daily UNTIL you get your surge.  Good luck!  Hope this is your month! :)

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