
Why is this the only dead Big Foot found?

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If it actually is a Big Foot, why is it the only one to be found? Did the others always bury their dead loved ones? Did this one get kicked out of the group of Big Foots? Was he the last Big Foot?




  1. Big feet eat their dead.

  2. Where is this Big Foot?  

  3. Maybe is the answer to all your questions.

  4. Because, if Sasquatch does in fact exists it hides in remote areas like in a really good area in Snelgrove Lake, Ontario..I mean look at it, the evidence, these creatures are in thousands of miles of forested areas where hardly any humans live. The body decays and rots before you find it.

  5. If this is the alleged 'Bigfoot' that I've seen photos of recently, I have doubts about it being real - Looks more like a movie costume dumped in a trunk.

  6. i never heard of anyone catching big foot i dont think they did

  7. When was a big foot found?

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