
Why is this war in Iraq still dragging on?

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Doesn't anyone remember why we went to Iraq in the first place?

1) WMD's, Dictator, Al-Queda. So, no WMD's were found,

Saddam is gone and we're fighting a civil war rather than

any Al-queda. No end in sight.

2) Let's think about the idea of our army marching on Iraq.

Essentially we invaded a foriegn country and have been

occupying it for nearly 5 years.

3) Iraq's infrastructure has been decimated and is being

ravages by civil war and as yet undetermined number of

casualties. Some believe upwards of 100,000 civilians

dead. These are all written off as casualties of war.

4) The 'war on terrorism' and the idea of taking the 'fight' to

them. How can anyone believe that you can wage war on

an ideal? It is like waging a war on murder. Shall we then

occupy the areas with high crime rates and wage war?

What are your reasons for supporting / not supporting this war?




  1. The debacle known as the War on Terror has no end in sight, and it is debatable as to whether or not the government actually wants the fighting to stop.  Although its citizens would likely disagree, the US is a very militaristic country:  creation of arms and continued military is what they do.

    One major problem that I and the rest of the world see is the American people's derision of those who want to stop the fighting.  'Cut and run'  they say;  the rest of the world calls it 'cutting your losses'.

    Its a disaster and everyone knows it.  How many lives must be wasted in this fiasco?  It is disgusting.  How can any thinking person be for this war?

  2. I think that it's because they still haven't got a solid hold on the oil reserves. They want to stay on to make sure ALL of it goes their way. The cost of doing so is very much more than the price of a gallon today, and one day will have to be paid (it's called debt). Which is also why countries are rapidly changing their dollars to euro - no-one knows what the currency will be worth in a few years due to the repeated abuse of the US economny by its so-called leaders.

    P.S: I hope they do get tried for this war, waged solely and entirely for profit. Though the deaths may not be intentional in the sense of a "war crime", they were caused by greed, not altruism or the desire for "freedom"

  3. The war finished years ago.  The allies are there to help Iraq with the civil unrest in the country. They could pull out tomorrow and then be accused of the deaths of thousands of civilians killed in a civil war.  Heads I win tails you lose situation.

  4. It is still going on because Bush, Cheney, Rice and the rest of the administration have not figured out how to withdraw, and save face, even though the Iraqi government wants them out.

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