
Why is this world full of sterotypes?

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i'm an italian girl. people automatically assume i'm a mafia princess because i live in a nice house. well, thats not the case. my parents grew up in a bad area of New Jersey. They worked hard for their money and that is why we have a nice house and they are proud of their accomplishments.

now for jewish people, they are percieved as frugal. why is this? do you think this is honestly true? my best friend is jewish and she is very tight on money when her parents have really good jobs and a extremely nice house. also, i noticed jewish people are very much into education. my friend is a straight A student and is extremely motivated to get into an ivy league college. which is of course a good thing. why is this? I'M NOT ANTI SEMETIC.. i am just wondering about more information on these sterotypes!




  1. people automatically think that people who live in the south, are rednecks, cousin f*ckers, and just all around white trailer trash. people dont know how to think out of the box and quit believe everything you see in the movies.

  2. It is because a disproportionate amount of the population that gets stereotyped acts in a certain way . Otherwise it wouldnt become a stereotype would it? When im in my car and hear pounding rap behind me I assume they are black. They usually always are. When a tiny honda accord with a huge spoiler on back and tiny wheels are accounted for I think Asians. Usually are. Liberals absolutely HATE stereotyping...they call it sweeping generalizations and how ignorant people are. Of course not everyone acts this way ...but because so may people in groups act in a certain way , people assume .  

  3. People are way to quick to lable anything and everything.Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people whereby we attribute a

    defined set of characteristics to this group.Stereotype - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A stereotype is a simplified and/or standardized conception or image with specific

    meaning, often held in common by people about another group

  4. Stereotypes come from the media only showing certain types of people, and when you see a lot of certain types of people doing the same thing, people assume that everybody that looks that way or acts a little that way, or is that race must be JUST like the people I saw on t.v. because that's the only thing they know about that race or people like that.

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