
Why is tkw changing me?

by Guest33379  |  earlier

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I started taking taekwondo classes 3weeks ago and I started changing so much! I mean Im more positive and have a high self confidence and self control.... Im just wondering how can a taekwondo class change you so much? I feel like completely different person! I guess its hard to answer if you havent taken any twd classes...




  1. Yeah, it's TKD. Not TKW or TWK. Being around people, you start to pick up their traits and act like them. They teach Courtesy, Integrity, Self Control, Perseverance, and Indomitable Spirit and you just start to pick it up. Sparring (I don't if they're letting you spar yet being a white or yellow belt) but it relieves a lot of anger and stress.

  2. exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy.  

  3. accomplishing things you didn't think you could do tends to do that to a person. you have a long way to go...enjoy it!

  4. It's part of the programming.

  5. Martial Arts not only gives your body a good work out but it also works the mind.

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