
Why is tossing cigarette butts out of the car window so bad?

by  |  earlier

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They are so little the rain washes them away.




  1. And where, pray tell, do you think the rain washes your cigarette butts away to? A fairy land where people and critters don't mind living with your nasty-*** waste?

  2. Because it makes you a contemptible jack*** who doesn't care about other people or other things, just as long as you don't have to worry about it personally.

    It shows that you feel your time is better than other peoples.'

    Those bleeding butts still have to go somewhere. There's poisons in them that damage the environment. And wherever they end up, they're STILL an eyesore.

    Is it really so hard to just hang on to them until you get to a trash can?

  3. Well cops think that the butt might be still lite, and they get the idea it could cause an accident, especially out in the wilderness. And what if there is no rain? And, the bud contains all the toxins left behind on there, but most of it is going into your lungs. Smoking is a terrible habit, and it screws your body up. And plus, its littering, and no one likes that. Hope this helps =]

  4. The air blows away my f**t.  I'll f**t in your face then.  Not good.

  5. I once saw a person flick one out a window.  He was a careless driver ( I guess) as he did not notice the motorcycle behind him.  The biker got hit by the cig, lost control of his bike & crashed.  The car kept going.  Fortunetly, the guy wasn't hurt TOO badly, but his bike was totalled.  That's a lot of money wasted to lose an automobile, & the one who caused the accident did not even pay.

  6. There are a lot bigger issues in the world, and a lot bigger littering concerns. On some occasions I have had no choice but to throw it, some people are dead against having butts in their ashtray. I don't think the odd one will cause too much upset in the world, just as long as it's not 20 cigs every day.

  7. lit or unlit, it's still a form of littering, n as far as ur comment about them being so little the rain wahes them away is untrue, n picture if everyone were 2 do this how many butts would we find lying around, smokers not only contribute 2 air pollution, but those who flick their cigs on the floor or toss them out d window r littering, n dats not cool, throwing anything out a car window is not cool, n u can get a ticket 4 dat as well

  8. 1.  It's littering.  Why should others have to see your disgusting litter all over the place.  

    2.  Where do you think the rain washes it to?  Take a look around, do you see any cig butts?  Yes?  Well, then, the rain doesn't wash them all away.  And those that are "washed away" - have a think about what problems they can cause!

    3.  They are not biodegradable, if you use ready-mades!  They contain plastic, which takes years and years to break down

    4.  They look disgusting.  Throw them in your own yard if you don't think it's littering.

    5.  in dry conditions they are a fire risk if still burning.

    6.  It is pure laziness not to dispose of them as you should.

  9. Wind, rain, animals. Lots of different factors can cause this. Think about it, rain water runs into storm drains near roads. Where do you think some of that water eventually winds up?

    Why throw your cigarette butt out the window anyway? It's littering and it's not pretty. I smoke, my car does not have an ashtray, but I manage to work this out. It's not even that much of an effort. Please try.

  10. first, it's littering. second, it's a fire hazard. third, they're not biodegradable so no matter where they wash to, they won't go away. by the way, i'm a smoker.

  11. Considering that this question is probably offered in the sincere hope of getting a serious answer:  consider that most of what makes up the cigarette butt, or filter, is not readily bio-degradable, and consider that highly toxic and radioactive compounds are used in the manufacture and production of these items, their introduction into the general environment, not contained within some disposal facility or landfill (not that a landfill is much better than the side of the road, trail, or in the water), poses serious health risks as their quantity builds up.  Consider also that, because they do not readily breakdown from weathering, or natural decomposition, they pose hazards to our wildlife.  Accidental ingestion can cause death, or serious health risks that negatively affect our ecosystem.

  12. along with the toxins in them. are you an idiot or something?

  13. If its summer that bad habit can start fires!

    Think of all those critters out there chewing on tobacco stubs getting cancer!

    Its just not right!

  14. The world is not your ash tray.

  15. I like butt heads tossing them out onto my car going down the road.  Cigarettes have killed more people than all other drugs in the history of man, if I had my way, they would be $20 a pack.

  16. It's not bad. As long as you say oops afterward you can throw anything out the car window.

    It's better than it messing up your car.

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