
Why is traveling and tourism important?

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Why is traveling and tourism important?




  1. Some places rely on it. To learn about other cultures and ways of living.

  2. to get to know the world outside, have an experience and meet new people.

    becomemore social and comfortable in the outside world.

    best answer plz lol :) ty

  3. So that one day while travelling you meet your dreamboy and live life happily ever after.

  4. It feeds the economy.  This is especially useful in places that have few natural resources and a largely unskilled populace.

  5. it boost the economy of that country, brings in alot of money

  6. It is, to my mind, along with family, friends, and art, the most satisfying and stimulating pursuit in life.

    Turning a corner and seeing something that you have never seen before, meeting and talking with people you might never see again coats our mental growth and our moments of reflection with a patina of the sublime.  This, by the way, is something that can be achieved on a smaller scale than trans-continental flights or four-star hotels: simply find a different way to walk home from school or work--you will see different houses, different colors in the air and on the world you walk through, interact with other humans.  Save a few bucks and get on a train to nowhere in particular---just look leisurely at a 'different' world as it slides past your window. If you live in or reasonably close to a city buy an all-day transit pass and hop on and off buses and trains all day and see things apart from the mundane, everyday hum-drum.

    Read travelogues and watch foreign films--save up for a fantastic trip to a place where nothing has the ring of home-- explore! One of the greatest joys.

  7. Tourism brings money into your economy

    Traveling opens doors in life

  8. because it teaches you about diffent culters so you can learn and better your self as a person!

  9. relaxation.

  10. your pretty eyes gotta see everything!

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