
Why is trying to help others socialism?

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Why is trying to help others socialism?




  1. Whoever said that's socialism?  You may want to post an example so people understand your logic.

  2. If you believe in helping then do so, but I will decide what charity

    my money goes to

  3. Trying to help others isn't Socialism.

    Taxing everyone and redistributing that wealth through government programs aimed at forcing aid on those who are capable of helping themselves (but don't want to) is Socialism.

    Big difference.

  4. It is not, but the word sounds scary, so the GOP uses it a great deal.

  5. It's not.  Helping others is one of the founding principles of our value system.  That said, helping others is supposed to be voluntary, not mandated by the government.  Socialism is taking from one to give to another.  Do you want to work your butt off for a paycheck only to have it taken away and given to someone else without your consent or input?  If you want to help others, find a charity you like and volunteer or donate.

  6. Is taking care of our soldiers socialism?  This is a right wing spin machine tactic.  Socialism, communism, etc.  They're bringing back the old attacks from the 60s.  Next we'll be blacklisted for thinking 'socialist' thoughts, like in McCarthyism.  It's the Thought Police!  Soon they'll overtake us on the internet.  Get out the vote please.

  7. Helping others is not...BUT...robbing // OVERTAXING anyone to FORCE it IS SOCIALISM.....

  8. It's not. Robbing the rich through excessive taxation to fund bloated inefficient programs that funnel money to those that CHOOSE not to help themselves is socialism.  

  9. I don't know. Socialism is state ownership of economic assets. I don't understand why that term is tossed around so much, except perhaps to foster fear.

  10. Making sure everyone is a society has enough is socialism.

    Since some aren't capable of helping themselves and some help themselves to too much, socialism is the best way to sustain a society.  

  11. There's a difference between trying to help others.  And having your money taxed against your will to go towards spending programs that you don't feel will deliever the desired affect it supposed to.

  12. If you do it on your time, with your dime, it is fine with me. The government seeks to redistribute wealth, create entitlement, and "give" things away that have not been earned. That is the failure of socialism.

  13. Trying to help others is not socialism.  Using the power of government to redistribute wealth is socialism.

    We are all free to do as we please with our own resources.  But just as we as individuals, do not have the right to take from one, and give to another, neither does government.  There is a word for that.  It is called stealing.

  14. As many others have said, its not, and putting it in those words makes you pretty much a liar. However, why should the rich be taxed to take care of people who cant get off their butts, get a job, and take care of themselves? They worked hard for their money, and so should the people who would be benefiting from national health care.  

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