
Why is turtle conservation so important? What environmental benefits do they give us?

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I know their eggs, shells, and meat are used...but i'm not to sure what present environmental benefit they give us.




  1. some people swim in the water that the turtles live in.

    the same is true of frogs.

    and many other animals.

    when those animals start to decline, then people should look at why.

    maybe there is a problem that will get worse over time, and cause harm to the people using the same water.

    that's better than waiting until the problems show up in people, and then trying to fix it.

  2. The food chain.

  3. It seems you have a bit of a misconception going on here.  Species aren't here to benefit us and us only,  rather everything ends up working together in an intricate way.  Ecosystems work like computers--if one piece is missing, you can bet it's going to mess up the entire machine.

  4. From what other animal would you learn that to make progress, you have to stick your neck out?

  5. We should strive to preserve every life form on this earth - the same way should strive to preserve our own.  

    We have proven (through debatable topics such as global warming and overpopulation) not to have too many positive environmental benefits on the earth ourselves.  So why don't we just allow ourselves to become extinct?  

    See how ugly this type of conversation can become?

    Take care.

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