
Why is ur heart beating?

by  |  earlier

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mmmm in comidy sence plz.... love u india...




  1. what else would it do then..... its better to beat then to be idle...

  2. am writin an answr for a stupid qsn..... dose dis answer it????

  3. our heart beats because it pumps blood to the whole of our body the pressure with which it pumps causes a minor sound which you can hear throygh a stethescope

  4. because all my children need me and my husband also

  5. My heart is beating because I am alive.  If I would die then it will stop beating.

  6. Because the love of my life and my children need it to beat. If I didn't have any of them, it might be beating very very slowly...almost at a dead stop.  

  7. coz i had a crush on this guy and we totally fell in love with each other. and now he moved school and i miss him sooooooo mnuch. my heart doesnt beat in a normal pace nowadays.

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