
Why is uranus tipped on the side?

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i've heard it was because it was hit by a large asteroid... is there any other explaination with reason?




  1. i dont think it is tipped on its side, just it was made that way.

  2. Some scientists believe that an asteroid hit it or a meteor but maybe it was made that way

  3. A better question would be: why aren't all planets tipped on their sides?

    The answer is because planets aren't quite spherical. Because of their rotations, planets bulge at the equator, and the faster they spin the greater the bulge.

    The presence of an equatorial bulge will generally keep a planet's equator within certain bounds of the Sun's direction, due to tidal forces.

    But Uranus is very, very far from the Sun, where the tidal forces are quite weak. Therefore, in the case of Uranus (and Neptune), there are essentially no bounds imposed by tidal forces. That allows the planet's axis to wander all over the place ... which it does. Right now, the axis happens to be "sideways". In a few hundred thousand years, it may be entirely different.

  4. It could be that the intial 'clump' from which Uranus formed was spinning in that particular manner, but the most likely explanation is a collision with a very large body early in the planet's formation.

  5. i agreed with u.  The tilt may be the result of collision with a meteor or another planet long time ago

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