
Why is using petroleum gasoline bad?

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why is using petroleum gasoline bad?




  1. Pollution, carbon emission, etc.

    So, big deal.  What are you going to do, not drive?

  2. Fossil fuels are also a finite resource.  Regardless of the estimates people give for when they'll run out, the one thing they agree on is that eventually they will.  In a world of increasing energy demands it makes very little sense to increase our reliance on dwindling resources.

  3. Burning gasoline also emits carbon dioxide, which is the main greenhouse gas causing the current global warming.

  4. Because it causes "hidden costs" that are damaging to our economy.  Like pollution and global warming.  And it makes us dependent on importing huge amounts of oil from countries that are unstable.  Our economic security depends on them.

    We didn't go to Iraq to steal oil.  But we wouldn't have gone if oil wasn't so important to us.

  5. You're supporting terrorism or some other nasty government in the middle east, Venezuela, Nigeria, Mexico, Canada, Texas...

  6. Using gasoline is not bad. It's just that our engines may not be as efficient at burning it as they could be. Gasoline is an awesome fuel, I mean, motorcycles can get up to 50-75 miles per gallon. But when it is put into bigger machines like trucks and SUV's, forget about it, not that efficient. I think we should concentrate on more productive engines that use gasoline as much as we are concentrating on new fuels.

  7. Nothing, I use it every day and plan to continue to do so.

  8. There's nothing wrong with using gas. Continue using at your discretion.

  9. Burning petroleum gasoline is a waste of a very valuable resource (oil) which is running short.  Oil is used as a raw material in a huge proportion of our products ranging from clothes to computers and it is also used to provide the energy for their manufacture and transportation.  We have been extracting oil and other fossil fuels from the earth at an ever increasing rate but the earth no longer has any means of creating more and it is beginning to run short.  By wasting oil we are depriving our children and grandchildren of a valuable resource.  A useful website concerning the oil shortage issue is

    The other problem with burning oil is pollution in the form of CO2.  This gas is a serious greenhouse gas and our emissions are causing global warming which will have serious social and economic effects which our children and grandchildren will have to suffer.  Indeed some of those effects are being experienced already in floods and storms throughout the world.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has a website in which you can read about this issue and what needs to be done about it at

    The answer to these problems is not to replace oil with some other fuel because the production of such a fuel is likely to need a great deal of energy.  No the thing to do is to use less (for example replace cars with public transport and travel less).  We need to simplify our lives generally.  In doing so we will find that a simple life is more fun than trying to keep up with the neighbours.

    Best wishes

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