
Why is vanilla ice cream white when vanilla extract is brown?

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  1. Because its not a orange colour lol

  2. The ice cream is white because of the milk, cream, and sugar. The vanilla is very concentrated in flavor so the tiny bit needed to flavor the ice cream isn't enough to change the color. Sometimes you might see some tiny tiny brown specks from the vanilla beans, but if extract only was used it just blends in with the cream.  

  3. Ice cream is made with milk and or cream and egg yolks.  Real vanilla is small little seeds that are removed from a vanilla pod.  They are brown is color but if making real vanilla ice cream you would have some small brown specks.  Otherwise the vanilla ice cream that you have been eatting is cheap super market stuff that uses the poorest quality of ingredents to mass produce something that has some what of a vanilla taste so they can sell it as vanilla ice cream and a low cost.

    Spend the extra money and find some real ice cream.

    Majority of America has no idea what real food is.

  4. This question has been asked and answered before, but here goes again.

    There's not enough of the brown extract in the white cream to turn it completely brown.

  5. I'll answer with a question.

    Why is paint pink if I add red to white?

  6. Because the brown colour is not a dye and is not concentrated enough to 'stain' the ice cream base, which is white. If it's true vanilla bean ice cream, you will often see tiny brown specks, which are from the paste of the inner vanilla pod.

    As a note, strawberry ice cream is usually only pink/red where the actual fruit syrup has spread through the ice cream base. To get the even pink colour, a pink dye is used.

  7. If you have vanilla ice cream with vanilla beans in it, you will notice brown specks. However there are not enough (and it probably wouldnt taste very good if you did) beans to turn it brown.  

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