
Why is veitnam called the "victor over the west"?

by Guest63686  |  earlier

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Why is veitnam called the "victor over the west"?




  1. "My Answers Suck" nailed it on the he might have to change his name.

    And it's "Viet Nam"

    Best regards.

  2. you need to read the history, Vietnam was under French colonial rule, despite this national resistence and Chinese support led to bitter fighting and the country was divided into 2, the north under communist control and the south under French colonial rule, who called on the USA to support an anti-communist invasion.

    AMerica despite putting more and more troops, weapons and technology into the war from 1960's till 1975 could not defeat a highly organised guerrilla insurrgency. Eventually the country was unified under a communist control and USA withdrew.

    Significant because USA technology and combatants could not defeat the strategy of a very mobile, organised Northern army which was "supported" by the native population in the South, who gave help and assistance, despite attempts by the west to bring law and order and coca-cola to everyone!

    I think this was the first major defeat of the USA since the second world war, since then there have been others and Iraq and Afghanistan are the latest conflict zones.

    So it is a lot to do with communism or colonialism and trying to defeat others by strength or by stealth.

    I have included a link you can read more on the history

  3. because usa gave up and left. communist north vietnam won against usa and south vietnam, acquired the south and became one communist country

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