
Why is vocabulary important in sales??

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why is vocabulary important in sales??




  1. So you sound intelligent.

  2. to sound persuasive and smart

  3. The more expansive the vocabulary is, in using descriptive terms, the less likely one would be to rely upon empty superlatives.   Have you noticed how many t.v. ads state: Product A is "Now, Better" or "Better"?  How much information can be gleaned from this other than assuming that Product A was, previously, inferior?          

  4. Keep in mind that when you are in sales you will be dealing with  all levels of people. Either by phone or in person. You could be talking to the president of a business a VP, a manager, normally they make the buying decision. and if you portrait yourself as an inteligent individual, the impresion that you give is that the product you sell is a good product.  If you have areach vocabulary you would be able to explain why the product that you are selling is better than the competion; or explain in an easy way how it works.

  5. poor grammar makes a person look uneducated.  I would buy something from someone that uses proper grammar over someone that doesn't.  

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