
Why is volleyball not a major sport in the United States as it is internationally?

by Guest58095  |  earlier

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Why is volleyball not a major sport in the United States as it is internationally?




  1. Kind of like P S Said, not enough s*x or violence involved. It's not entirely that but a good lot of it. Men are the major sports watchers and they don't want to watch something they think they can do just as well themselves. They also like a lot of action and compared to football or basketball, volleyball isn't as physical or aggressively competetive like that. I don't think girls spandex can get any shorter though and beach players can't do so naked so that's about as good as the s*x part gets, maybe we need to run it in slow-mo for the guys :P

  2. Not enough s*x or violence.

  3. Kind of like Soccer

    Maybe simple minds just need simple entertainment

  4. because Americans cant play volleyball

  5. i always wondered that, but i dont thinks its cause its not violent or not s**y enough

    my  volleyball team had more injuries ( real ones from digs and geting face plants and broken bones) then the whole varsity football team!

    as for the s**y part,spandex and bikinis cant get much smaller!

    i think the real reason is that sports are dominated by men who are to preocupied with all the other sports and dont really understand volleyball. They also believe it is really easy and dont understand how hard it really is

  6. Good question i was wondering the same thing. Volleyball rocks.

  7. Americans are fascinated with baseball, basketball and football. Furthermore, volleyball is poorly understood and many people think that it is easy. Men seem to like the violence of contact sports and think a non contact sport like volleyball must be wimpy. I think volleyball may be just a little to sophisticated for the average american

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