
Why is volleyball not a popular sport than football?

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Why is volleyball not a popular sport than football?




  1. that is funny

  2. idk???

  3. idk cause vollayball is das best sport ever invented


  4. volley ball dosnt bring $$$ in like football so v-ball dosnt get adverttised as much as football

  5. Football has just the action everyone wants to see and volleyball has some of that but it just isnt the same.

  6. Guys look at volleyball as a woman's sport, which is exactly what it is.  Volleyball isn't exciting to watch or play, and football is.  Plain and simple.

  7. Because volleyball is a womens sport. As much as I hate to admit it, america is sexist.

    Second, football is a million times more fun to watch. I play volleyball, but I would rather watch a football game anyday.

  8. Volleyball is a sport for intelligent people. For football I can't say the same. Do you hear some thing about volleyball hooligans or tennis hooligans. Of course NO. Don't forget the football like other sports is a business too. Football hooligans are part of this business. Do you think that soccer is popular in USA. Of course NO. Why,  let me think  ...  sorry there is another business

  9. What a coincidence...I just happen to play both football and volleyball for my HS.  I can tell you from experience that a lot of my football teammates were all like "Why do you play volleyball ? It's a ******* girl's sport man." when I first started playing as a freshman.  But now they've seemed to realize that it's difficult to play on a men's competitive level. But don't get me wrong though, I love playing football just as much as the next guy.  However, I also realize that I'm probably not the most genetically gifted player either even though I work very hard on the field, which makes playing both football and volleyball seem like a good idea to me.

    Also, another factor seems to me is that [atleast in the area where i live] there aren't any public elementary/middle schools that have boys volleyball teams. The only two middle schools in the area here that do have teams are private catholic schools while there are absolutely TONS of pee-wee/middle school leagues for football in the area which contributes to it too.

  10. Because men are too "manly" for volleyball, but any good girl on my team could kick their a**'s any day of the week.


  11. it is simply because volleyballis till developing and becoming popular. volleyball is the fastest growing sport that there is though, so soon it will be just as popular.

  12. I am not one for watching sports - especially football and baseball, etc (including basketball and ice hockey, etc etc) same for watching horse racing.

    And so, what do people get out of watching sports?  Including golf...

    Perhaps it's best to have a psychology class answer that questions for it's thesis?

    I do think it is the matter of what you are exposed to.  That simply volleyball does not have a high or popular profile in the US, but in some other countries it is present anywhere... and may be especially played at churches or church groups - being a family sport, and not requiring a huge area to play in (plus it can be played indoors) it is more versatile than say football or baseball. (which require special huge stadiums or fields to play in.  Think of how many volleyball courts you can have, within a football or baseball field?

    It would be interesting to do a research study into sports - to see why people like them, etc etc.

    I do think that volleyball has a lot going for it, over other more popular sports - that if more people tried it - the popularity of volleyball would naturally increase tenfold over current popular sports.

    Beach volleyball has proved, that watching volleyball played can be popular and enjoyable.

    Players can play volleyball far far longer, in their lives - than if they played football... And you can play in mixed groups - women and growing children too...

    Of course commercial sponsorship plays a huge part in the US --- if a major company backed volleyball in the US --- this would help the profile of volleyball enormously... Imagine Cocoa Cola playing "This is it..." ads with people playing volleyball... It is a natural combination.

  13. Actually, Volleyball is more popular than American football. Only Soccer (futbol) is more popular world wide than Volleyball.

    In America, Football, Baseball, and Basketball are the most popular. However, neither crack the top 5 (Basketball is in the top ten though)

    Football is below Soccer, Volleyball, Cricket, Tennis, Table Tennis, Badminton, and Billiards are all above Football in worldwide popularity. Volleyball is #1 in participation, in that almost the entire population of the world has played a game of Volleyball (albeit, probably wrong :) ) at least once in their lifetime.

    I love American football as much as the next American fan, but these football heads that make fun Volleyball are just jealous that the sport of Football isn't taken seriously by anyone other than us and Canadians (and they even had to change the rules to make it more friendly to their audience). Their ignorance, to me, is laughable.

    Plus, Most football players can't play Volleyball. They just don't have the skill level to play it well.

    Do I think they can coexist? Absolutely, if football players realize that they will most likely not play football, except for an occasional touch football game, after high school. If they were smart, they'd learn how to play Volleyball now, since most men only start playing Volleyball after they get out of high school. Then they miss out and wish they had played in high school. I've seen it too many times in my life. Then they talk about how they thought Volleyball was for girls and fairies, but now it's a  "wish they knew then what they know now", kind of thing.

    It'll only take time. Like I always say, it starts with educating the very young (2nd and 3rd graders) about volleyball and how it is played by both boys and girls. I think if the country were to attempt a televised pro Volleyball league, kids would start seeing it as something cool, like Basketball, Baseball, and Football. They have attempted this a few times and on a small scale it's working. World League is a tremendous success when it's brought to the US. This can only plant the seed though. We've got to get more.

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