
Why is walmart a bad place to work?

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Why is walmart a bad place to work?




  1. Well, I work at Wal-Mart at night. It's terrible mostly because they pay you low wages and expect you to do a week's worth of work in an hour. Also, If you work 6 weeks at 40 hours a week, they are required to automatically put you on full time, so, they will work you 40 hours a week for 5 weeks and bump you down to 20 hours the 6th week. You also have to deal with the customers, which is no walk in the park. You get yelled at every 5 minutes for doing what you are supposed to. Management is always going over your head and making you look like an idiot in front of customers. And to top it all off, they will do anything they can out of giving you the benefits you deserve. If you want to know any other dirty secrets, e-mail me.

  2. All these answers are typical to all retail stores. There is a bottom line so they will do what it takes to make that bottom line. Wal-Mart is no different then any other retail place. Retail takes some gettting used too for sure and is not for everyone.

    You can make any job good or bad. Its really up to you

  3. just an obervation: they are not friendly like they say they are on tv

  4. Low wages, few benefits, illegal practices, nasty supervisors.

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