
Why is watching hannah montana more exciting then boring baseball?

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Why is watching hannah montana more exciting then boring baseball?




  1. Cause you're a pedophile


  3. Baseball is the best sport in the world. Maybe you get off to tiny boppers.

  4. I agree with Anthony C.  Baseball is the best game in the world, and if you don't like it, you apparently know nothing about sports.

  5. it is a matter of opinion. in my opinion, you are an idiot, and baseball is the greatest sport i have ever been able to watch.

    thank you for another two points.

  6. Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people.

    Listen, are you always this stupid or are you just making a special effort today?

    Thanks for the 2 pionts Dork

  7. baseball may be boring to you, but not to millions of fans all across america. If you find hannah montana more exciting, fine, that is your opinion--but don't make yourself appear foolish by demeaning the game itself.

  8. Its your opinion but putting this in the baseball section is asking for a slap in the face.

  9. becuase hannah montanna looks good!

    why is bashing baseball more exciting than getting a life to you though?

    THATS what i would like to know.

  10. you're just mad because we'll never like soccer because soccer is for pansies

  11. Beating the c**p out of you would be more exciting t**d boy!!!

    2pts for me!!!

  12. It may very well be because your g*y.

  13. 2 pts again, thank you. Watch hannah montana and shut up.

  14. yo dipshit go s***w yourself, nobody likes you and your retarded questions dissing baseball

    also, thanks for the 2

  15. i think you should go take a bath with a toaster

  16. its not we guys enjoy baseball but idk bout u

  17. This one's easy. It's a matter of I.Q. math.

    In order to watch baseball, and find it enjoyable...a person has to have an I.Q. above 90 points.

    While enjoying Hannah Montana requires an I.Q BELOW 30 points.

    In a nutshell...YER A MORON!

  18. because she has a nice ***

  19. Are you serious, come one now...low blow.

    Even my little girl would rather watch baseball

  20. so go watch it!

    do you find this entertaining?? if so that is the saddest thing i have ever heard!

  21. baseball is the BEST sport

    i would never watch hannah montana over baseball

  22. Because you are a dork.

  23. Does that speak to you possibly being a pedophile?

  24. why are you on here? baseball is not boring

  25. you got some serious problems if you like to watch hannah montana over baseball!!!

  26. 1.) look at your name - dork: enough said

    2.) you sir, are a pervert

    That is all!

  27. simply put, because youre a dork.

  28. 1. It is hard to get cheap thrills on a garbage scow.

    2. I think the maggots have finished and have crawled ot of your other ear.

    3. Can't you find a decent sewage treatment plant that will take you on as a tenant?

    4. Garbage scows "are boring".

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