
Why is water important to society?

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  1. Some facts for you to know:

    - It takes about four litres of water to process a quarter pound of  hamburger.

    -It requires 6000 litres of water to process 120 litres of beer.

    -It takes 148 000 litres of water to manufacture a new car, including tyres.

    -1.5 million litres of water are needed to produce a single day´s supply of US newsprint.

    -An egg is about 74 per cent water

    -A watermelon is 92 per cent water

    -A piece of lean meat is about 70 per cent water

    -About 26 000 litres of water are eeded to grow a day´s food for a family of four.

    -It takes about 23 litres of water to grow a single serving of lettuce.

    -a tomato is 95 per cent water.

    -Almost 10 000 litres of water are required to produce a single serving of steak.

    -The human brain is composed of 95 % water, blood is 82% water, the lungs are nearly 90% water

    -A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water.

    -about 60% of the weight of the human body is water.

  2. If you're talking about the rise of early societies, an abundance of water played a critical role.  In order for people to settle and organize into towns and cities, there must be a stable source of food and water nearby.  This abundance of water allowed some of the first organized cities to spring up in what is known as the "fertile crescent."

  3. it's important to sustain life.

  4. because society is 80% water.

  5. Try doing without it for 36 hours and you will find out the hard way.

  6. I do believe it is impossible to live without water.

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