
Why is water so relevant in weight loss?

by Guest10884  |  earlier

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I've recently started dieting, and drinking lots. I feel great and my skin is better, but what does water have to do with weight loss?





  1. It cleanses your body I helps with digesting food!  

  2. if you're trying to lose weight you should really give Acai Berry a shot! i saw it on oprah and i'm trying it myself right now.. got a 14-day FREE trial from this site!

  3. I think it is because it helps to dissolve and dilute the substances we consume and make it easy for digestion.

  4. It has nothing to do with actual weight loss apart from making you fuller and possibly because you drink less soda which contains calories.

    It does however flush out toxins.

  5. Fills your stomach so you will not be hungry

    Gives more oxygen, not like that soda which is full of carbon dioxide

    As water cleanses your inner organ, skins starts to glow.

  6. it cleanses body of impurities whic otherwise take time to get flushed out through urinary tract and sweat  

  7. Allot of times people start gaining weight because they binge eat , they confuse thirst with hunger and go to the fridge and decide to have a turkey leg while down there. When you drink water your stomach will fell full. Also it helps cleanse out your system , and promotes digestion. And Drinking water promotes muscle growth , and when your hydrated you are more energized and happy in the mood for exersizing or going out for a random jog. SO drink allot of it. A gallon a day.  

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