
Why is water the lifeblood of the planet?

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why is it soo important? i know this seems like a really simple question but i just cat think of anymore reasons




  1. The human body is 98% water so whats your question.

  2. Because life could not exist without it.  The human body is 61.8 percent water by weight.  A person can go about 3 days without water.

  3. tell me one living thing on our planet that does not use water to survive.

  4. Water is life.

  5. Water sustains all life on, and contributes to the unique atmosphere of, Planet Earth.

  6. the reason water is so important is that it give life if we didnt have water then  the plants would grow and we would all die off

  7. Ok why water is so special is that it has one property which has allowed life as we know it to survive for millions of years.

    This property is, that when it freezes, it is LESS dense than when it is a liquid.  Normally, with most solids, the solid form is heavier (denser) than when the substance is in the liquid form.  The molecules when solid are closer packed and thus the object would sink in a liquid of the same substance.

    However, when water freezes (becomes a solid), there is a special crystal matrix that leaves tiny gaps of air between the crystals.  This means that ice floats on water.  Because of this feature, lakes and rivers and oceans do not freeze solid in the winter, allowing life to persist beneath.  If the ice sunk, the lake would eventually freeze solid as ice kept forming at the top and sinking.

    Also, life evolved in water and because of this life still needs water. The only difference is we carry our "ocean" (our blood) around with us inside.  All the things we need are dissolved in the water and the water allows things to stay "soft" like your cells that make up all the organs in your body.  Also, lipids do not dissolve in water so therefore cell membranes are made from lipids. If lipids dissolved in water, cell membranes would not hold together.  It is because of the water and the way things dissolve or not dissolve in it, that makes life everywhere.

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