
Why is witchcraft so dangerous? it's fun but there are consequences.?

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Why is witchcraft so dangerous? it's fun but there are consequences.?




  1. Because is a serious stuff.You are dealing with spiritual forces and power,that you can not control at all.People, who have not idea what they do,or have a lack of knowledge;can really be crazy at all.It is like, if you drive an standard car,but you have no a clue how to drive.And you are driving in a high way at 100 km per hour.For sure will be a disaster.Good question.

  2. Merry Meet Misty,

    Witchcraft itself is not dangerous, nor is the practice of magick. If you notice I said practice. It’s sort of like a doctor, would you like a doctor working on you who’s just playing doctor or one that’s serious about your recovery. The same is in the Craft. Every Wiccan and Witch that practices the craft lives this lifestyle. We know how to properly raise a cone of power and to send it off into the universe to come to fruition. One wrong, misplaced or missing word or sentence could alter the outcome of your spell or incantation. When brewing a nice home remedy tea, if you leave an ingredient out what happens to the tea? Will it work as intended or will it fall short or even cause you to be ill. This is why we call it a practice. No Wicca, Witchcraft, Magick or any other word that you wish to use is not dangerous. It’s the driver of that car that could be dangerous if they don’t know what they are doing. Not the Car itself.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to vocalize so much. But I felt this question needed a serious answer.

    Always in Light and Love


  3. because if you mess up and hurt someone, the spell will come back at you and do 3X as much harm. Its called Karma.

  4. well not all would agree its dangerous if used correctly

    apparently what you send out comes back to you threefold

  5. it evokes and releases powers that are not friendly, that will turn against the user at the first opportunity, usually after it's too late to change direction.

    my sister was present when a number of girls at a sorority read a curse from a grimoire as a joke. the following week was a disaster for everyone who was present. one girl broke a tooth, another got very sick, and there were three or four other things that i can't remember.

  6. It is not to be played with.  There are consequences when you dabble and have no clue what you are doing.  Please don't play with it if you aren't trained.

  7. witch craft is really dangerous for a new beginer to try and use dangerous spells if you are new and you have no idea what your doing it could in the end harm you or worse I on one hand use life magic which is using herbs to make potions and to heal the sick

  8. I've been practicing witchcraft for 25 years and so far it is no more dangerous than driving a car.  If you don't follow the rules, stay on the road and respect the other drivers you could die.  I bet you get in cars and ride around all the time and don't worry about how incredibly dangerous it is to travel in excess of 50 mph.  If you are taking all due precaution, magic like driving a car can be fun.  Remember buckle (shield) up.  Blessed be

  9. Witchcraft is more than a hobby.  it is a spiritual practice that evokes energy from nature, spirits, yourself, sometimes even demons, depending on thy type of magic you are performing.   Wiccans use only peaceful magic and believe that if you harm anyone with magic or otherwise, it will come back at you threefold.  there are many forms of magic besides these.  Christain prayers are a type of magic.  Not all magic is dangerous.  Only when you are asking help from forces you dont believe in, or are just playing around the magic can end up exploding in your face.  Quija boards are a good example of dangerous magic.  Many people will play with one, not realizing that the spirt they are working with is serious.  Some spirits WILL punish you for disrespecting them, their power and their history.  They can do many dangerous things, such as haunt your house, give you bad luck, ruin relationship and sometimes, if they are powerful enough, they can possess you.  But as long as you believe in them, respect them, thank them for their help and are serious in what you are doing, bad things probably wont happen.

  10. First of all, I'll agree with you on the "It's fun" part. It's an amazing experience to connect with one's Ancestors and to see your goals attained by your own inherent Divinity for sure.

    As for "Dangerous", Witchcraft of whatever kind is, in some ways, like an Electric Nail Gun, and also like a Heavy Sledgehammer. If you use either of those properly, they can be used to build great and wonderful things (IE the Nail Gun), or to break down negative influences in your life and the lives of your loved ones (IE the Sledgehammer). However, if you don't use them properly (for instance, if you don't have the proper training to use them), that Nail Gun might shoot you in the foot because you weren't aiming properly, and that Sledgehammer might break your best friends back because you didn't look properly before you swung it.

    It's the kind of thing you MUST understand in every aspect that you plan to use BEFORE you throw your spell, otherwise you're asking disaster upon yourself and those you hold dear.

    Also, don't be fooled by those who would tell you that "You CAN'T understan't Witchcraft" or "It's beyond Human Comprehension", as this is merely a Scare Tactic designed to keep people away from a perfectly legitimate path in life. The Pagan people of the world have understood Magick and used it properly (and therefore with great success) in every Aeon since the Dawn of Mankind, and so can you. The question is, will you do everything you can to find the means to understand that with which you work?

    There are many good books on the subject (though I'd avoid Silver Ravenwolf at ALL costs), and through study, one can come to great understanding of this very interesting, fulfilling means of goal attainment, but you MUST learn before you cast. To do otherwise is, as I said, a VERY bad idea. The people who use it are charged with responsibility to our actions, which is why any of us with half a brain will study heavily and understand the concepts before we use them. Yes, there can be consequences, and yes, you WILL have the deal with them. However, it is important to remember that consequences can be Negative OR Positive, and it's up to you to decide which you get.

    *Side Note: As for the Threefold Law, I'm sorry to have to disagree with the Wiccans among us, but I've seen too many people live lives full of kindness and decency, living in awful conditions and never seeming to get a break, not to mention all the people who live lives of deceit and teachery only to die rich, successful and greatly respected, to believe all that heavily in Karma. If the act of doing positive things gets you positive things, then why do I, who work for an organization based in brotherhood, charity, good samaritan action and otherwise positive things, recieve only taunts, threats on my life and baseless slander in return? I would argue that Karma is null and void, and if we really want positive things for ourselves, sending out positive energy simply isn't enough. We must struggle to maintain our dignity and our rights in a world full of people who would rather assume they know everything than open their eyes and seek to understand. I know it's an unpopular viewpoint, but it very much needs saying AND hearing.

    Here's hoping that's been helpful...

    *Dark Blessings*


    *gymnosphere - And are you aware of WHY that situation happened? Because dumb little Sorority Girls in College Dorms don't have time or desire to learn about what they're s******g around with between sessions of Binge Drinking, s******g without using Protection, shooting Crack Cocaine and every other foolish little thing College Students have ever been known to do. Also, you don't read a Curse as a joke. I'm sorry to have to say it, but if you treat Magick like a joke, you're just begging to watch your life get flushed and go swirly. It's not that the forces you call upon will all willingly turn against you, it's that you need to understand what you're doing so you can do it properly, and for the love of Set, treat the Art and Science of what you are doing with RESPECT. I'm sorry, but a group of naive, brainless Sorority Girls s******g their lives up by treating Magick as a source of amusement can't be used as a valid example of why one shouldn't use Magick. It's like telling people, "You should never drive cars, because I once knew a group of people who got in one and put the pedal to the metal without knowing how to drive, and they all got killed!". Doesn't sound like such steady logic anymore, now does it?

  11. Its only dangerous if someone doesnt know what they are doing. It would be as foolish as someone buying a new car and going for a drive but never getting there licence.

    But dont buy into the church propaganda. Christains have been persecuting witches and burning innocent people at the stake for ages. Its all just ignorance and superstition.

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