
Why is wrong to judge one's appearance but okay to judge character, achievements, or intelligence?

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Isn't it a bit biased to criticize these flaws. Most people say appearance cannot be change which is why it is wrong to judge, is it not? But when it comes to personalities or intelligence most people thinks it is okay to nit pick or judge these characteristics. So what are your thoughts on this subject?




  1. Who says it's wrong to judge people by their appearance? We all judge people by their appearance, as people are judged by the entire package.

    A person's appearance says a lot about how they think and take care of themselves.

  2. The reason it is wrong to judge a person by appearance is because, someones body type and facial features are things people are born with. They aren't choices. However, both character and achievement are choices and they are things that are obtained through hard work.

    P.S. It's not actually really accepted to judge someones intelligence, I think what you meant was knowledge.

  3. I don't think it's wrong to judge appearance. It's not wrong to judge at all as long as you're not physically harming them with your judgment. For example, if you think that dark skin is ugly so you kill off anyone with dark skin...that would be wrong. We all judge regardless anyhow so it doesn't matter. Besides, people put themselves out there to be judged. Just look at the Singles and Dating section of Yahoo Answers. You'll find many desperate teens looking to be judged through pictures.

  4. You really do not have the right to judge anyone. YOu may have an opinion but it is none of our business to judge anyone.....

    It is wrong to judge people. You don't have to like everyone or hang out with just everyone but no right to judge them. Only God will do that part.

    Get this personalized book and you will learn emotional and personal growth. You will not see the need to judge anyone...Do for yourself and become the person everyone wants to be like and you will have accomplished much !!! Become the best you possible !  

    This book is full of your own name and positive affirmations about YOU and is a great tool for becoming the person you want to become...It's great ! Many young athletes have one and use it daily....It has a journal in the back of the book for you..

  5. I feel exactly the way you do.

    A person's intelligence, at least - is affected largely by how well their nervous system (brain) works. Some people have brain damage, and they are treated cruelly.

    Personality - this is determined by the brain and how it responds to the environment. This also is affected by efficiency of neural network. But judgmental people like to blame people with 'inferior' personalities (lack of social skills) on that person's will. If they are inept, it is "their fault." If they are depressed it is also "their fault."

    Achievements - another load of BS. A person's worth is not determined by how much money they make or how respected their 'career' is. They could be a CEO at making useless, nonfunctioning gadgets. But either way, a higher earning job is more respected (for bewildering reasons) than a non-job that helps one person.

    Character..........this is the greyest area of the bunch. If someone is MEAN, then that person is not okay. That is the only area that warrants critical judgment. Even then, the causes need to be explored......even if it is something as dreadful-sounding to some as exploring the inner workings of the brain.

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