
Why is yahoo blocking the news release of Gore being sued by weather channel founder?

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  1. Why are global warming doubters so conspiracy minded?

    There are non accessible links on the Internet all the time. Anyone with a little understanding of the underlying technology understands that. Those without any understanding jump to bogus conspiracy minded conclusions.

    If Yahoo were blocking this, they certainly would NOT be announcing it on their front page

  2. Why are global warming doubters so conspiracy minded?

    There are non accessible links on the Internet all the time.  Anyone with a little understanding of the underlying technology understands that.  Those without any understanding jump to bogus conspiracy minded conclusions.

    If Yahoo were blocking this, they certainly would NOT be announcing it on their front page.

  3. I don't know if they are deliberately blocking it, if they wanted to do that they could've just removed it off the site.

  4. The Founder of the Weather Channel isn't suing Al Gore. That's probably why it's not being reported. He did say, at the International Conference on Climate Change (a PR event hosted by a right wing think-tank), that he thinks that anthropogenic global warming theory is a fraud, and that Al Gore, and presumably most of the world's climate scientists, ought to be sued for it, a position he's held for many years. However, as he isn't a climate scientist and has never published in the scientific literature, we won't be caring too much what he thinks of the theory.

  5. I found out about that on Yahoo, so I don't think they're trying to block it.

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